Medical Compressed Air

In modern hospitals, medical compressed air is primarily used for the following purposes:

There are many applications that require dry, oil-free, sterile compressed air, including medicine, pharmaceutical technology, and physician surgery. 

Artificial respiration

Patient needs 100% pure breathable air at maximum availability. Using a high quality air treatment unit, the compressed air can be dried, cleaned, and treated in a seven-stage process, resulting in compressed air that meets DIN EN ISO 7396-1 requirements.

Medical system

Compressed air used in medical applications must comply with the medical products act of the country in which it is being used. In accordance with the Act, violations of specified air purity requirements are prohibited. During the eighth stage of treatment, sterile filters will ensure the production of high-quality air, either for the artificial respiration system or for the anesthetic system.

Medical personnel

Throughout the hospital, medical compressed air is readily available in patient beds and operating rooms.

The compressed air generation system has been designed with at least triple redundancy to eliminate all risks of failure.

Surgical instrument

Several surgical instruments and tools, such as those used for puncturing, drilling, and dissection, require compressed air for operation. In addition, medical instruments need to be re-examined or dried. Medical compressed air ensures the safety of all personnel.